Research and Results

How Road to Reading Teaches Reading

  • Words are comprised of letters representing the sounds of words we use daily, enabling us to remember the spelling of thousands of words without much difficulty (for a deeper insight into the mechanism that makes this possible, see David Share and the Self Teaching Hypothesis).

  • The CAPIT Method enables students to decode every word in the English language—from rat to aristocrat. With CAPIT, there are no sight words, and no words are memorized and read by sight as a whole. Instead, we show students how to decode each word using our sound and spelling algorithm. Eventually, they learn to recall these connections efficiently and fluently without conscious effort.

How Research Guides Our Methods

  • Road to Reading utilizes cutting-edge research in reading science and cognitive science to deliver a groundbreaking, streamlined approach to early literacy instruction. We concentrate on proven techniques that significantly enhance young learners' foundational skills.

  • Our alignment with the latest research enables students to exceed grade-level expectations. Preschool students gain a head start by entering Kindergarten at least one year above grade level. Kindergarten students typically master letter-sound relationships within three months, start decoding and encoding before January, and learn to read and spell complete sentences with punctuations and capital letters before the end of the year. First-grade students learn to read and spell digraphs and diphthongs, achieving success without navigating complex rules and memorization.

  • Independent research validates that the CAPIT Reading Curriculum accelerates progress and boosts reading test scores for all students, including special education and English language learner

Scope and Sequence, Results, and Data Reviews

PreK Data

VC = vowel/consonant example “if”

CVC = vowel/consonant/vowel example “dog”

Double Consonant = “egg”

3 Year Years of Data Using The Capit Curriculum

The results were captured using 3 years of data from 1 school. It demonstrates the power of starting foundational reading skills early with a teacher-led curriculum that provides a personalized learning and age appropriate experience.