About Us
Hi, my name is Mary Anne Guy and I have been a literacy coach, Scholastic and Capit Learning consultant with over 40 years experience, and a current grandparent concerned about our nation’s reading crisis.
Road to Reading was created to provide an equitable opportunity for students to learn critical early literacy skills with curriculum and resources that meet the needs of all students.
Road to Reading starts with children in the early years with methods and resources that have shown to be highly effective with 95% of early learning students, getting and keeping them on or above grade level.
Our learning timeframe is condensed as we maximize our time with students. 100% learning, 100% of the time!
Road to Reading is a non-profit serving children in the Charlotte NC region to ensure equitable access for all students. Please join us on our journey by making a donation today!
How does Road to Reading Teach Literacy Skills?
Skills Integration and Visual Mnemonics
Road to Reading integrates reading (decoding), spelling (encoding), and handwriting, while using patented visual mnemonics, to give your child the best learning experience. No more arbitrary memorizations!
Students learn to decode by completing lessons on the Capit digital platform where their progress is monitored in real time, ensuring no students falls behind. Hands-on activities provide additional support to student learning.
Students work through spelling activities daily, learning new patterns as they continue through the skills progression. Capit is comprehension based, ensuring a student masters a skill before they can move on
Students practice handwriting activities digitally and then transfer that skill to paper. Research shows handwriting instruction teaches students more than just the mechanics of letter formation. It reinforces letter recognition and helps them learn the names of the letters and letter-sound associations
Rigorous Practice and Data Monitoring
Students practice 10-15 minutes per session using the Capit Learning digital platform. Data monitoring is continuous, giving instructors vital information, and ensuring students don’t fall behind
Decodable books assist students with application of the sounds and spelling patterns they have learned.
Johns Hopkins Capit Review Results